So this weekend, I went to a youth conference called Dare2Share with my youth group. It's exactly what it sounds like. We were challenged to take the good news of Jesus Christ into our schools, neigborhoods and communities. Wow. It was amazing. Not just in the sense of learning more about sharing the gospel with friends and such, but also personally.
One thing they asked us to do during the conference was to call a friend that didn't know Jesus for themselvesm, and talking to them about it. I called one of my friends. I don't know him very well, but the second they asked us to think of a person, his name popped into my head. I was so freaked! I was freaked because I didn't know what to say, and I thought I would regret calling him afterwards. I know that what people think of me isn't important but I still wanted to be friends with him, so I didn't want him to think I'm a religious freak. So anyways, I called him (I think I might have woken him up...oops) and the whole time the phone was ringing, I was praying I would have to leave a message.
God had different plans.
He answered, I awkwardly said hi, asked him about something had said about a month ago about God and asked if he wanted to talk about it. He said that he had just been kidding around and he didn't need to talk about it or anything. So I said, "Oh. Ok....well, I guess I'll talk to you later."
Talk about awkward. :-/
But it was afterwards that surprised me. Instead of beating myself up for even calling him in the first place, I was beating myself up because I suddenly thought of a thousand things I could have said (that's why I suck at improv in theater...). I actually didn't regret calling him at all.
Do you think it's possible that God put me in that situation, not so that I could lead "John" (not his real name) to Christ, but because maybe, God wanted to show me something about myself? That I do actually have enough courage to do this kind of stuff? That I really can do anything in Christ's name?? Of course I'm hoping and praying that God will use that phone call in "John's" life somehow, but maybe that wasn't the whole point of it all...
I am really excited for the days to come. There are a couple of quotes that I love. "Actions speak louder than words." and "Always preach the gospel; When necessary, use words." Those two quotes are so true. As a Christian what you do, is just as important as what you say about your faith. But I realized this weekend that I took those quotes too far. I tricked myself into thinking that if I live like a "good Christian" that will be fine. I don't really have to say anything unless someone asks me about it or it comes up in conversation (neither of which happens very often). But I need to make my faith and what I believe to be true in my heart, verbally known. One of the speakers at the conference used this example. If you had the cure to cancer, and your friend had cancer, wouldn't you give it to them? As Christians, we have Jesus! Why wouldn't we want to give that to our friends too?
One other thing they talked about a few times this weekend was the fact that there is a difference between religion, and having a personal relationship with Jesus. Personally, the whole concept of religion makes me sick. Guess who else got sick by that?
In the bible, the Pharisees are high, religious, men in the temple. Guess what. They hated Jesus. They strongly disliked the things He said and did. They are the people who wanted Him dead. For three days, they got their wish.
Jesus did not come to earth to enforce more religion. He came so that we could know Him personally and be free of all that religious crap that holds so many people down.
I just thought it was pretty cool how they said that. I love it!
So, if I come running up in the halls or something and ask you a question about God, or ask if I can pray for you; please don't be freaked out. Lol. I'm not crazy...well, maybe just a little... :-D
I'm just really excited because this cowardly lion, just got her medal of courage!