Sunday, April 12, 2009

You're Beautiful

We all have our stories. No one person's story is better or more important than anyone else. Every person's story is unique. Like a thumbprint or a personality. My story is confusing at times. Even to me. But everytime I start wondering where my storyline is going, God shows me something new or reminds me of something old. Something amazing.

Today He reminded me of three things. When I was in the plane on the way home from Minnesota, I looked out the window and saw three aspects of God. When I looked up, I saw a huge blue sky. When I looked straight ahead, I saw a gorgeous sunset. When I looked down, I saw thousands of God's people. 

When I looked up and saw the huge blanket of blue over me, I felt so close to outer space. Thinking of outer space and stars and planets and galaxies always makes me paralyzed with awe before God. To think that something so vast and unending is being held in the palm of the Creator of the universe! It gives me shivers!!!

I see Your power in the moonlit night,
Where planets are in motion and galaxies are bright.
We are amazed in the light of the stars,
It's all proclaiming who You are.

Once, when asked by an atheist how I knew God exsisted, I replied saying that whenever I look at a sunrise or a rainbow I always see the beauty of God. He laughed at me saying that I had been brain-washed into taking things of nature and turning them into things of God. I've been called many things in my 16 and a half years but I think "brain-washed" had to be the worst. When I saw that sunset the other night, once again I was taken a-back at how beautiful God is. Could a belch in the universe millions of years ago really create something that gorgeous??

I see Your face in every sunrise,
The colors of the morning are inside Your eyes.
The world awakens to the light of the day
I look up to the sky and say...

Jesus loves you. I think that has to be one of the most well known sayings in the world. "Smile, Jesus loves you!" Jesus te ama! Jesus hat dich lieb! Jesus alskar dig! Yeshua ohev otach! It's everywhere! We hear it all the time and, to be honest, I get kind of sick of it. Only because it's so religious! I want something more than religion. And yes, I know, I've said that many times before. But when I looked down at all the lights and cars and houses and people below me, I was in disbelief. There are millions, <billions of people on this planet, and yet Jesus loves me. Why me? I'm nothing special. I'm hardly worthy of His love. What baffels me even more, is that He loves every other single person on this planet just as much as He loves me. When I saw all those minature cars driving around and caught myself thinking, 
"Wow. Even with billions of people on the planet, He still knows who I am."

I see You there hanging on a tree,
You bled and then You died and then You rose again for me.
Now You are sitting on Your heavenly throne,
And soon we will be coming home. 

Huh. I can't fathom how amazing God is. All I can say is,

You're Beautiful

p.s. All the bold is from the song You're Beautiful by Phil Wickham.