Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Best Big Brother

Do you have a sibling? Even if you don't I want to ask you to try your best to apply this analogy. Maybe think of a close cousin, or friend that seems apart of your family.

What if, you did something really bad. Like, let's say, cheated on your significant other...and your dad found out. What would you do if your father told your brother (or sister) that he was going to put them to death because of what you did. What would your reaction be? I would hope that out of love, your reaction would be "What?! NO! That is outrageous!" You would beg a plead with your dad to retract his judgement. I know that I thought of my little brother and my heart broke at the thought of this happening. But what would you do, if this sibiling agreed? What if this brother or sister of yours said, "Ok. I will die, so that you can be with Dad for the rest of your life." What would you do? Would you try and stop him? Talk him out of it? Offer yourself instead?

Guess what?
This scenerio is exactly what Jesus did for you.

I always heard Jesus being referred to as our "brother" and even read scriptures (Song of Solomon 4:9&10, Hebrews 2, Matthew 12) about it. But for some reason it never clicked why He was our brother...but it TOTALLY makes sense! I'm almost kicking myself because of how simple it is! :D We have the same Father!  Duh.

That dawned on me today at about the same time that I realized exactly how important it is to understand Him as my brother.

The Old Testament was God releasing judgement on His people because of their sin (only because of His jealous love, but that is a whole nother subject!). The New Testament was God releasing judgement on Himself  because of our sin.

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son..."(John 3:16)
I've known this verse since I was 5 years old (thank you, Awana clubs!)...but it took on a whole new meaning today.

God, my Father, preferred my redemption over the life of His Son, Jesus Christ 

I could end right here and let you pick up all your brain pieces that went everywhere after that revelation bomb...but I won't :)

Jesus took upon Himself all the sins, iniquities, the pains, the imfirmities, the transgressions and all the separation and condemnation of all mankind. Jesus became our sin for us.

Notice that while on the cross, Jesus doesn't even call Him "Father"...
"My God, My God, why have You forsaken me?" (Matthew 27:46)
Before God on the cross, Jesus was a criminal who experienced the wrath of God...He was no longer a Son, but a sacrifice.
If the crucifixtion happened today, would we have that cry of "No! That is outrageous!!" in our mouths?

"But the Lord was pleased to crush Him, putting Him to grief..." (Isaiah 53:10)
I always got confused by this verse, but now it makes sense. God is so holy, that sin cannot be with Him. That is why Jesus was not a Son for those few hours...He had become sin! And that is why we need the blood of Christ....

The issue of abortion is the issue of innocent blood. In the scriptures it shows us that innocent blood cries out from the ground (Genesis 4:10) But Jesus' blood is the ultimate innocent blood that cries out to us "Forgiven! Forgiven!"
I feel like people, even believers, take this blood for granted. We say or think "Oh it's ok if I do this or that, Jesus forgives me" NO! We have NO IDEA how precious this blood is! I know I had to repent for taking the message of grace and forgivness for granted.

I'll leave you with one last thought

"Father, I desire that they also, whom You have given Me, be with Me where I am, so that they may see My glory which You have given Me, for You loved Me before the foundations of the world." (John 17:24)
You guys, He chose to do it.

He bled. But every drop needed His permission. Each blow needed His consent.