Saturday, December 6, 2008

Saving Trees, Killing Children

I was on my way to babysitting tonight and I was listening to the radio and there was a song by Casting Crowns (one of my favorite bands) that I had not heard before. It's "While You Were Sleeping". It's one of their Christmas songs. One of the verses goes like this: 

United States of America 
Looks like another silent night 
As we’re sung to sleep by philosophies 
That save the trees and kill the children 
And while we’re lying in the dark 
There’s a shout heard ‘cross the eastern sky 
For the Bridegroom has returned 
And has carried His bride away in the night 

Save the trees and kill the children??? What sick, twisted country does that!?! Apparently, ours. That makes me so incredibly furious!!! We make such a fuss about global warming and polar bears and gas prices and immagrents and "hugging" trees while all the while we are murdering (appx.)3,700 unborn babies each day!!!!!!! 
That makes me sick. 

When I was babysitting, the little one year old was crying for his parents so I held him on my lap and rocked him until he was calm. After sitting in my lap for a while, he ran his hand up and down my arm, then took my finger and held it. The whole time I was thinking how millions of tiny hands like those have been stilled. Millions of little voices saying "Daddy" or "Sissy" have been silenced. Millions of little feet toddleing around have been stopped. 

Don't get me wrong, all those other political issues are important too, but they physically aren't hurting anyone. 

Abortion is just plain and simple, down right murder. 

Save the trees and kill the children? 

Seriously, America? Seriously? 

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