R. W. Emerson once said, "I hate quotations. Tell me what you know."
Ok, so that's my attempt at sounding smart for the day. Haha anyway, I was in English today and my teacher has that quote up on the wall. The moment I read it, it dawned on me. In a way, God is saying that to us too.
When we spend time to talk to God, He doesn't always want us to just repeat back what He has already told us in the Bible, He wants us to talk to Him about whats going on in our hearts. I mean, talking to Him about what He says in the Bible isn't bad. I'm just saying, that shouldn't be the majority of what our conversations with Him should be about. Do you kind get what I'm saying?
Basically, God doesn't want us to "quote" the Bible to Him. He wants to hear about us. About what is going on in our lives. Not that He doesn't already know...lol, but that is what creates a two-way relationship.
It brings me back to the story that I know I've probably written about once before. The first time I went to the International House of Prayer in Kansas City, I was just having some time with God and this was basically the conversation:
Me: God, please just tell me something! I want to hear Your voice.
God: I love you.
Me: *smiles* Yes God I know! But tell me something I don't know!
God: I love you.
Me: I know God! But can You tell me something important?!
God: You know I love you, but you don't know I love you.
Me: ......oh........
Basically God was saying that I knew in my head that God loves me, but I didn't know it in my heart. See, I was just going off of what I had learned and read my entire life. "Jesus died for you." "God loves you." I was "quoting" the Bible. But we can't just "quote" the Bible, we need to believe it with our hearts.
I don't want to just quote things back to God anymore.
I actually want to talk with Him.
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